Vorige artikel 31 mei 2021 Volgende artikel

A new look at the future Langhuset Flotings Museum

A new look at the future Langhuset Flotings Museum

Karres en Brands has made a new series of images of the 7.000m2 state-of-the-art Longhouse museum and bundled them in a booklet. The booklet explains the general approach and storyline of the future museum and can be used to showcase the qualities of different spaces and how they can be used.

Exhibition space

"part exhibition space, part public stage: the beating heart of the museum". The main log driving exhibition space is a generous and flexible room at the center of the museum. It stretches over three stories allowing plenty of room for large pieces. The entire museum revolves around this space opening views and offering an ever-changing experience of the exhibit from all levels. It brings together education, culture and research into a unique space that can extend beyond its confines to house large events and performances.

Workshop area

Located on the west side of the museum, the workshops are more than just a functional and introverted programmatic concentration centered around ateliers and storage. This more secluded area of the museum offers optimal logistical functionality but at the same time allows in several instances glimpses into the atelier spaces from the surrounding spaces. The workshops become an integral part of the museum experience through hidden balconies opening up from the main museum circulation overlooking ateliers, or through windows opening to the veranda space or even generous doors opening into the landscape.

Classrooms and education

Spaces for education and learning are positioned at the two extremes of the museum: both high up in the attic as well as down on the water. The indoor education spaces are organized on the third floor in a playful attic space, while the outdoor spaces stretch far into the Glomma. The routing extends all the way to the top level of the building intersecting the museum at various points and stimulating a playful interaction between learning and culture. It connects all the way down to the water and outdoor program, auditorium, and up into the labs and research area all the way to the children’s learning area located at the very top floor with playful views across the entire museum.


The restaurant is carefully positioned along the main public flow through the museum. As part of the eastern building volume, it can function independently, while at the same time being able to use the covered “gateway” space as an extension towards the outdoors. The space opens up generously towards the waterfront offering spectacular panoramic views of the Glomma. The flexible facade system separating restaurant, gateway and arrival atrium can open up completely to define a whole new type of civic space: An indoor/ outdoor reception space for public life. In doing so the restaurant space is more than just a functional service but becomes an extension of the civic and cultural space of the museum.


The Longboard extends far into the water as a reference to the extensive log driving structures along the Glomma providing a comfortable walking route from the water on the southside and parking in the north into the museum. Either extending over the public path, stepping down to the water or gently sloping towards the museum, the Longboard always stimulates interaction with landscape. It functions as a landscape-scale “welcome mat” for the museum as well as unique learning and play space on the water.

All renders copyright: Vivid Vision 3D

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