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De Hoef West in Amersfoort approved by the council!

De Hoef West in Amersfoort approved by the council!

With this, the municipality confirms the ambition to transform De Hoef West into a modern, vibrant city district. With the plan, the area close to Schothorst Station grows out to be one of the largest area developments in the region. The area will provide around 2.500 dwellings; new and existing buildings. At least 5.000 people continue to work there and existing education clusters grow into fully-fledged campus environments. 

Karres en Brands is involved in the transformation since 2017. In 2019, after an intensive process with owners, developers, companies, residents and the municipality, we delivered the ‘Ontwikkelingskader De Hoef West’. For the conversion of the plan to concrete preconditions we worked closely together with Urhahn. As a result the development framework provides clarity to private parties about the possibilities to build in the area. It also shows where there is room for for example collective themes as sports and play, mobility/parking, horeca and shopping. At the same time, we are the supervisor of the area as such we guided a large number of plans. The new masterplan will be developed by various market participants in  and Karres en Brands will refine the public space the coming years.